How to use git in android studio mac
How to use git in android studio mac

how to use git in android studio mac

OR It sometimes just needs for the test button to be clicked, and the version of Git that was not found before gets updated below button. A red line for the required Git version needed does not go away (see highlighted in red: Supported for Git 2.9), which obviously should go after the version of installed Git is known already. This time Every time Android Studio is started, coming to this part of the setup for Git version control, shows that it is not installed and needs to be downloaded.

how to use git in android studio mac

More details follow towards the bottom of the question posted here.

how to use git in android studio mac

Every time I start Android Studio (Bumble Patch 2 Now), I see in the Git setting section that either the Git folder is not recognized as a dedicated folder for Git, OR that I have to hit the test button to get its version.

How to use git in android studio mac